By participating in PS-MUN, delegates will once again bare witness to and participate in thought-provoking, innovative debates with PS-MUNs 4 General Assembly Committees (Disarmament & International Security, Social Humanitarian & Cultural, Special Political & Decolonization and Legal) and 6 Specialized Agencies (ECOSOC, Environmental Commission, ICJ, Security Council, the G20 and Special Conference). PS-MUN 2018 will deal with the important issue of Education. This years edition special conference topic is: "Focus on Global Education".
PS-MUN continues with its commitment to strive for an unparalleled, educational experience that all participating delegates from all corners of the earth will not soon forget and will cherish for years to come.
Applications are open for high school students! Deadline for FORM 1: School Registration is 15th of December 2017. Deadline for FORM 2: Delegate Registration is 2nd of February 2018.
Conference Fee: